airable supports British Wireless for the Bling Fund (BWBF), making more than 70.000 radio stations available.
Shenzhen based design company Jinrui offers modules for consumer electronics, home audio and car audio applications under their CACHIP brand. Internet radio functionality for these applications is now supplied by airable. Jinrui develops high-quality services in chip design, system integration, software and hardware technology development and production support. …
Live365 stations are added to the airable radio catalogue. This makes the amazing programming that Live365 stations are known for accessible to millions of listeners around the world in almost any country through airable enabled devices.
New Zidoo HiFi products are based on airable technology and come with a number of music streaming service. And internet radio and podcast of course.
RadioKing stations now added to airable
More than 4.000 radio stations trust RadioKing in creating, scheduling, broadcasting and streaming their programs. These radio stations are now available on products that use airable technology. -
HRA announced new prices for its subscription models. “Music Streaming for the connoisseur” at these rates: HIGHRESAUDIO-Streaming €79,00 (6 Months) 13,10 EUR per month HIGHRESAUDIO-Streaming €149,00 (12 Monate) 12,41 EUR per month HIGHRESAUDIO Streaming + Downloads (30% rebate per Download) €199,00 (12 Monate) See details here …
Streaming service of most listened classical music program available at airable: Klassik Radio Select
Escape AIR speakers come with internet radio station catalogue of airable. Great speakers for the outdoor and garden season.
Often we’re asked which codecs and formats are used for internet radio streams. Obviously this is an important information for product planning. So here you go. From time to time we will publish the percentage of codecs / formats here. Over time you will see trends …
Online-Audio-Monitor 2021 released, showing steady growth Germany. Majority of the population uses online audio. Podcasts use on the rise.
2020 has been a year of change for many of us as individuals and for industries, not least, the impact COVID-19 has had on our lives. However, there is a positive to be found in most situations and, if we take 2020 as a whole, there …
This month we’re taking a look at podcasts and their usage trends, listener demographics, genres and listening locations. In focus, are markets in Europe and the U.S.These’s a summary at the end of the article ;-). Usage trend – Podcast popularity reaching new heights: In July …
Co-operating with airable paved the way to HighRes streaming sources for the KEF LS50 Wireless II, addressing the consumer demand for quality audio.
From word receiver to internet radio: a personal view of David Reay – airable editor – who grew up with SW/MW/LW now enjoying IP radio.
Online Audio Research 2020 for Germany shows significant increase on online radio podcast and music streaming usage.
August 7, 2020
Even before the Covid-19 Pandemic, Germany and the UK showed an increase in internet radio listening
laut.fm stations and the airable.radio catalogue will now be synchronized regularly. laut.fm enables users to set up their own radio stations easily with all technical and legal aspects covered. These are more than 5.000 stations to date of which many were already available through airable.radio. laut.fm …
For almost 10 years the airable team at Tune In GmbH is focusing on getting internet media onto devices. We started building a powerful and flexible system plus processes to aggregate internet radio and podcasts. With these processes and tools our team keeps the airable catalogues …
SoundMachine Joins Tune In’s airable.API to Ease Adoption of Music Subscription Service for Businesses.
Yamaha’s MusicCast products come with Deezer, TIDAL, airable.Radio and airable.On-Demand implemented.
New Silvercrest products come with access to music services Deezer, Napster, TIDAL and Qobuz. This is made possible by the integration of airable.API technology.
@Musaic now provides access to the @Qobuz catalogue of high resolution music in CD quality or above. The Musaic smart speakers and smart audio devices support almost any file type including 24 bit Studio Master files. A perfect fit for Qobuz. If you’re a Musaic customer, …
Simaudio announced that Deezer music streaming service is now available with MiND equipped MOON products. Another news is the addition of Tune In’s airable.Radio catalogue to these products. See our previous news about Simaudio. About MiND: “MiND (MOON intelligent Network Device) is much more than a product. It …
It’s about music, radio and voice control: Here’s a great review about Invoxia’s Triby, combining voice control and radio and music. Triby is the first -non amazon – product that has Alexa voice service integrated and makes internet radio conveniently accessible by voice control. See the demo and review at …
High End Show Munich opens doors from May 5-8. See new products that embedded the airable.API, airable.Radio or airable.Show of Tune In. Check the stands of: Audio Video Manufaktur Burmester Revox Lindemann Audio Lyravox Moon by Simaudio Primare Revox T + A Hifi Platform partners that …
Feb 1st is the deadline for the first payment to SoundExchange. The fee is $500 per station to start, and the rate of 0.0017 per song performance applies to everyone. In about two weeks there will be many stations shutting down or blocking US listeners. …
French high-resolution music streaming and downloading service Qobuz was placed in a backup procedure late August 2015 (“Procedure de Sauvegarde”). The future of the service was in question. December 30, 2015 we received notice that Qobuz’ assets are taken over by Xandrie, “safeguarding the majority of jobs, while protecting …
Entering the Music Streaming Market: ALDI Life 7,99 Euro per 30 days is the price point of ALDIs newly introduced music service @ALDI Life. The @Napster based service is launching in Germany this Thursday, September 24. The offering is a new benchmark on price and service. Our Take: ALDI is well established …
Entertaining insights to the daily work of radio presenters: Kleine Einblicke in die tägliche Arbeit von Radiomoderatoren: Link zu den Radio ‘Insights’.
Survey on internet radio usage published by agma German “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyse e.V.” (agma) today published the internet radio usage survey for second quarter of 2015. 57 publishers with 310 channels (internet radio offerings) and user generated radios offerings contributed data to this survey. The amount of participants doubled since …
At the Swiss Radio Days today Swiss Digital Migration (DigiMig) working group presented it’s research on digital radio listening. Focus is the extent of digital radio listening in Switzerland. Radio listening is 45% digital. According to the research, 45% of all radio listening now is through digital channels. …
TNS Infratest released their convergence monitor 2015 for the german market. Internet usage overall is at a high level of 92%* in 2015, previously at 90% *in 2014 and 87%* in 2013. Mobile devices drive growth Mobile use of internet is growing significant due to smart phones and tablets. Use …
Ofcom – UK’s communications regulator – published the “Communications Market Report“. The report contains statistics and analysis of the UK communications sector and is an important reference for industry and consumers. It gives insights to data and analysis on broadcast television and radio, fixed and mobile telephony, internet …
Napster researched the usage habits of it’s clients and came up with a result which might surprise: 1) Morning Time & Early Birds Napster is not mainly used in the evening hours, but as well during morning time. This usually is considered the strongest ‘radio time’ of …
A year ago Rhapsody launched unRadio. One of the great features: Internet radio (supplied by airable). Congratulations to the first year unRadio! Great success! Data from the Rhapsody press release: “… unRadio subscribers streamed about 424 million tracks. Thanks to unlimited streaming and no fear of …