All Posts by ‘PR Manager’
airable and BWBF (British Wireless for the Blind Fund)
Nuvola Service shutdown – Transition to airable
Steinway Lyngdorf models come equipped with airable Internet Radio guide
CACHIP modules with airable internet radio
Shenzhen based design company Jinrui offers modules for consumer electronics, home audio and car audio applications under their CACHIP brand. Internet radio functionality for these applications is now supplied by airable. Jinrui develops high-quality services in chip design, system integration, software and hardware technology development and production support. …
Live365 on airable
Zidoo and airable
Cambridge Audio adds Deezer
Radio King stations available on Products with airable radio catalogue
HRA – HighResAudio reduced subscription fees
HRA announced new prices for its subscription models. “Music Streaming for the connoisseur” at these rates: HIGHRESAUDIO-Streaming €79,00 (6 Months) 13,10 EUR per month HIGHRESAUDIO-Streaming €149,00 (12 Monate) 12,41 EUR per month HIGHRESAUDIO Streaming + Downloads (30% rebate per Download) €199,00 (12 Monate) See details here …