All Posts by ‘Heiko Meertz’
Even before the Covid-19 Pandemic, Germany and the UK showed an increase in internet radio listening
Frontier Silicon adds airable.API to smart audio platform
Musaic adds Qobuz catalogue of High resolution music
Receiver App is most used Apple TV Music App
cocktail Audio integrates airable
October 2015 cocktail Audio integrates airable internet radio catalogue and airable.API Korean HighEnd audio manufacturer Novatron – maker of cocktail Audio HiFi products – and Tune In GmbH today announced they agreed to license the airable.API and airable.Radio service. The cocktail Audio, world-class high-resolution HiFi systems …
MOON by Simaudio licenses airable.API
ALDI life: music streaming provided by Napster
Entering the Music Streaming Market: ALDI Life 7,99 Euro per 30 days is the price point of ALDIs newly introduced music service @ALDI Life. The @Napster based service is launching in Germany this Thursday, September 24. The offering is a new benchmark on price and service. Our Take: ALDI is well established …
Radio Presenter Insights (for our german speaking followers)
Entertaining insights to the daily work of radio presenters: Kleine Einblicke in die tägliche Arbeit von Radiomoderatoren: Link zu den Radio ‘Insights’.
67 minutes per session internet radio listening. Survey Q2/2015 published.
Survey on internet radio usage published by agma German “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyse e.V.” (agma) today published the internet radio usage survey for second quarter of 2015. 57 publishers with 310 channels (internet radio offerings) and user generated radios offerings contributed data to this survey. The amount of participants doubled since …