In Germany, federal states broadcasters and commercial media associations reveal some startling data about the increase in online audio listening. The most recent data, released on 2 September 2020, includes usage data on podcasts, streaming audio and internet radio (linear radio). Delving deeper into the data reveals the following key messages.
Key Figures:
– Overall, 50 million users listen online (an increase of 6 Million compared to last year).
– Over 70% of the population today use online audio. As online audio previously was considered a niche, it’s now used by the majority of the population.
– Listening increased across all ages and listener categories.
The biggest areas of growth are seen within the over 50 age group – an overall increase of 36%.
The ‘all women’ listener base is up 19% to 67.5%.
Listener category covering those without a higher level of education increased by 40%.
– IP radio (linear web radio) on its own has a reach of 51% of the population, an increase of 23% year to year.
– Podcasts and on demand radio listening grew by 45% to 24.4%.
– Audio on demand (music streaming) use increased by 21% to 39.1%.
– Looking at devices used for listening, the biggest growth is with IP Radio devices with 56%. Main device used for online audio remains the smartphone with a usage increase of 3%.
The data was gathered between 29 April and 18 June 2020. Changes in usage patterns due to the Covid 19 pandemic will have an impact.
The Online-Audio-Monitor 2020 (OAM) is initiated by :
Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (BLM), die Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb), Landesanstalt für Kommunikation Baden-Württemberg (LFK), Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) and VAUNET – Verband Privater Medien.
See further details here: