Posts Tagged ‘radio’
airable and BWBF (British Wireless for the Blind Fund)
Nuvola Service shutdown – Transition to airable
Steinway Lyngdorf models come equipped with airable Internet Radio guide
CACHIP modules with airable internet radio
Shenzhen based design company Jinrui offers modules for consumer electronics, home audio and car audio applications under their CACHIP brand. Internet radio functionality for these applications is now supplied by airable. Jinrui develops high-quality services in chip design, system integration, software and hardware technology development and production support. …
Live365 on airable
BBC: Access to radio live streams after mid-2023
Triby Review: The Fridge Magnet that listens and plays radio
It’s about music, radio and voice control: Here’s a great review about Invoxia’s Triby, combining voice control and radio and music. Triby is the first -non amazon – product that has Alexa voice service integrated and makes internet radio conveniently accessible by voice control. See the demo and review at …
cocktail Audio integrates airable
October 2015 cocktail Audio integrates airable internet radio catalogue and airable.API Korean HighEnd audio manufacturer Novatron – maker of cocktail Audio HiFi products – and Tune In GmbH today announced they agreed to license the airable.API and airable.Radio service. The cocktail Audio, world-class high-resolution HiFi systems …
Radio Presenter Insights (for our german speaking followers)
Entertaining insights to the daily work of radio presenters: Kleine Einblicke in die tägliche Arbeit von Radiomoderatoren: Link zu den Radio ‘Insights’.