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…is the door to online media. airable.api connects hardware and companion apps to multiple sources of content. Our  airable internet radio station catalogue, the airable on demand show catalogue and music subscription services are ‘hooked’ in.

What it is

airable.api acts as a layer that connects devices to the dynamically growing – and changing – world of internet media and music subscription services.
Integration usually takes a few weeks, depending on the hardware platform and user interface definitions. This saves the time and effort of implementing an maintaining individual APIs for each music service and content catalogue. Means: implement ONE API instead of MANY.

airable.API currently gives technical access to these services and catalogues:

Here is why

Device makers take advantage of:
– integrating just one API instead of four or five or six or….. APIs.
– adding media catalogues and music services comes without updating devices (same for removing)
– updates on media catalogues and music services usually don’t require updates of software or QC processes
– technical and administrative issues are taken care of by airable


The airable.API can be integrated into most technology platforms. Currently there are two ways of getting services through the airable.API into products:

a) Platform Partners

The above mentioned services are available through the built in airable.API in a number of technology platforms. The following companies provide technology and platforms with airable.API:

b) Your own Platform

We provide documentation, development tools, implementation support and QC validation of airable.API and online services. To get there the necessary steps are:

1. Exchange and sign an NDA agreement.
2. We send:
–   API Documents
–   URL for test & development
3. You develop the service based on the airable.API.
4. Certification and validation – we make sure everything is working properly and take care of the music service’s authorization.

Contact us for details on API, internet services, music services or any other questions.

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